Products & Services
- 100 initial deposit
- no maintaining balance
- non-interest earning
- 500 initial deposit
- 500 maintaining balance
- 5,000 average daily balance
- interest rate 0.25% p.a
- 50,000 initial deposit
- two maximum withdrawals per month.
- higher interest rate than regular savings account.
Rates for Plus Savings Deposit (PSD)
Below 500,000.00 1.00% p.a
500,000.00 to 1,999, 999.99 1.25% p.a
2,000,000.00 to 3,000,000.00 1.50% p.a
Over 3,000,000.00 2.00% p.a
- 5,000 initial deposit
- 5,000 average daily balance
- 10,000 average daily balance to earn interest
- interest rate 0.25% p.a
- Ordinary ( 50,000 minimum deposit )
- No Final Withholding Tax ( 50,000 minimum deposit )
Rates for CTD Ordinary and NEWT Fresh Funds
50,000.00 to 499,999.99 2.00% p.a
500,000.00 to 1,999,999.99 2.25% p.a
2,000,000.00 to 3,000,000.00 2.75% p.a
3,000,000.01 and above 3.25% p.a
3. Fixed Rate ( 500,000 minimum deposit )
Rates for Fixed Rate Fresh Funds
500,000.00 to 1,999, 999.99 3.25% p.a
2,000,000.00 to 3,000,000.00 3.50% p.a
3,000,000.01 and above 4.00% p.a
- Two valid IDs
- Billing statement
- 2 pcs. 1×1 picture
- SEC Certificate of Filing Articles of Incorporation
- SEC Certificate of Filing Articles of By-Laws
- Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
- Board Resolution duly certified by the Corporate Secretary, designating Biñan Rural Bank, Inc. as its depository bank and designated Authorized signatories
- Certificate of Tax Exemption / Preferential Tax Treatment ( if exempt from withholding tax )
- Business Permit
- Latest General Information Sheet
- Proof of Billing
- For each Authorized Signatory, the following is required: a.) Photocopy of 2 valid IDs ( official personal identification in an unexpired official document ) that bears a photograph of the individual. b.) Utility bill ( for confirmation of billing address )
- Two valid IDs
- Billing statement
- 2 pcs. 1×1 picture
- Business Permit
- Mayor’s Permit
- SEC Certificate of Filing Articles of Incorporation
- SEC Certificate of Filing Articles of By-Laws
- Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
- Board Resolution duly certified by the Corporate Secretary, designating Biñan Rural Bank, Inc. as its depository bank and designated Authorized signatories
- Certificate of Tax Exemption / Preferential Tax Treatment ( if exempt from withholding tax )
- Business Permit
- Latest General Information Sheet
- Proof of Billing
- For each Authorized Signatory, the following is required: a.) Photocopy of 2 valid IDs ( official personal identification in an unexpired official document ) that bears a photograph of the individual. b.) Utility bill ( for confirmation of billing address )
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.